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Tips to became a high class escort in london - Blog post details

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by Plus18Ads on July, 14 2019

When a man books an escort, he has certain expectations. You have to be more special than what a man has at home; you have to be a model for a woman. Here are a few things that will help you in your craft, some small details that can show you how to attract loyal customers: Appearance All women are different. Some are taller, others are smaller, some are supple, and some are more crowded. Some have big tits, others have small tits, a bulging ass, or a slim ass. The most important thing is to mask defects and highlight your qualities. Hygiene Hygiene is an extremely important detail on your business card. Wet nappies and some deodorant applied over sweat are not helpful. Instead, the shower is very important before meeting with a customer. No one will reproach you if you take 5 minutes of time to refresh. You should pay attention to skin wrinkles, exfoliation, and moisturization. The men love to feel a soft and beautiful smell. Use a good perfume in the key areas of the body, but do not overdo it. It is also true for makeup, which has to be tasteful. The hair should be clean and beautifully arranged. Very important are the nails. No man wants the woman to put the condom with nails as a gardener nail. Take care of your teeth to have a nice smile and a beautiful breath. Dressing Whether you are incall or outcall act like a high class escort, dress up stylishly. An elegant dress (not in the evening), some elegant shoes and some classical earrings will make a very good impression. Stay away from jeans, jackets and sneakers. Intimate underwear needs to be sexy in exchange, because in this way, you impress the man in front of you. Behaviour Behave naturally; do not be like a cool statue, but neither look too cute nor too infatuated, because men will think they can do anything with you, and that will be to your detriment. Laugh at a good joke, thank you for a compliment, be sociable, Do not talk about your personal life and your everyday problems, but pay attention to the customer. Ask him about his experience with escorts, sexual preferences, and what expectations he has from such a meeting. When it comes to time, look discreetly at your watch and do not stare at it as if it were Big Ben. At the end of the meeting, ask for feedback. Do not hesitate to ask what he liked and what he did not. From such discussions, you have to learn. Do not talk about other girls in the club, and also keep discretion regarding other clients.
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