Kensington Babes is an agency specialising in Central London based Escorts. All the girls on our website are genuine and all pictures are of the girl you will see, They provide an outcall service covering all Central London and have incall facilities throughout the area.
All our ladies are chosen especially for their looks, reliability and their ability to please. If you like your escorts fresh, full of energy and you want to rekindle your youth for an hour or two then you are in the right place.
Our ladies are experts at providing an outcall experience second to none. So, if you are at home or stuck in a hotel and you fancy some company why not call us and make an Outcall appointment.
Our ladies can be with you at anytime from 11am until 2am. If you want them to bring something special with them be sure to let us know.
For those of you just visiting Central London for the day you will find that most of our escorts have their own apartment where you will be welcomed with a drink and can take a shower before, and after, your appointment. There is a no-rush full service.
Call us on: 07538 121 121 or 07523 572 060